ADHD & ASD Services

Enlightened Minds can provide formal assessment and diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for ages 11+.
We also offer adult autism (ASD) diagnostic assessments.

ADHD Assessments

ADHD Assessments

We offer the gold standard in ADHD assessment for adults and follow strict diagnostic guidelines. Having a formal diagnosis can provide that clarity that is often long-awaited. We can also provide a therapeutic option for the co-existing issues that may have developed alongside ADHD.

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ASD Autism Assessments

ASD Assessments

We provide comprehensive assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in adults, using the gold standard ADI-R and ADOS-2 standardised assessments (amongst others). We also have access to a multi-disciplinary team of professionals to meet the needs of each individual case.

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ADHD Assessment For Adults

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, often associated with childhood, can persist into adulthood, presenting unique challenges for individuals. In adults with ADHD, there may be difficulties in sustaining attention, managing time, and organising tasks. These challenges can impact various aspects of life, from work performance to personal relationships. Adults with ADHD might experience restlessness, impulsivity, and difficulties in regulating emotions. It’s important to note that ADHD manifests differently in adults compared to children, often with internal restlessness rather than hyperactivity. Despite its challenges, many adults with ADHD find success by leveraging their creativity, hyperfocus abilities, and unique perspectives. Diagnosis and tailored interventions, which may include therapy and medication, can empower individuals to navigate their daily lives more effectively.

ADHD Assessment Objectives

person centred counselling

Clinical Interview

A thorough clinical interview is conducted with the individual and, if possible, with collateral information from family members or close associates. This helps in understanding the person’s developmental history, current challenges, and the impact of symptoms on daily functioning.

emdr therapy

Behavioural Observations

Direct observations of the individual’s behaviour, both in structured settings (such as a clinical environment) and in natural environments (like home or school), provide valuable insights. Observations can help assess attention span, impulse control, and hyperactivity in various contexts.

Rating Scales and Questionnaires

Standardised assessment tools, often completed by the individual, their family members, teachers, or other relevant parties, provide quantifiable information about ADHD symptoms. These scales help to establish the presence and severity of symptoms, offering a standardised way to compare an individual’s experiences to established norms.

cognitive behavioral therapy

Neuropsychological Testing

This involves a battery of tests to assess cognitive functions, including attention, memory, executive functions, and impulse control. Neuropsychological testing provides a more in-depth understanding of the individual’s cognitive profile and can help rule out other potential causes for the observed symptoms.

ASD Assessment For Adults

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in adults is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by persistent challenges in social interaction, communication, and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities. While ASD is often identified in childhood, many individuals go undiagnosed and experience ongoing difficulties throughout life. Adults with ASD may face difficulties in navigating social relationships, interpreting nonverbal cues, and adapting to changes in routine. However, it’s essential to recognise the diverse ways ASD manifests in adults, as strengths such as attention to detail, adherence to routines, and intense focus on specific interests can contribute to unique abilities and talents. A diagnosis of ASD in adulthood can bring clarity, helping individuals and those around them understand and accommodate their specific needs, fostering a more supportive and inclusive environment. Tailored interventions, including behavioural therapies and support networks, play a crucial role in empowering adults with ASD to navigate the complexities of daily life and reach their full potential.


ASD Assessment Objectives

Schema therapy

Clinical Observation and Interaction

Direct observation of the individual’s behaviour and interaction in various settings is crucial. This includes assessing social communication skills, nonverbal communication, play skills, and response to sensory stimuli.

online therapy

Interviews and History-Taking

A thorough clinical interview is conducted with the individual and, if applicable, with family members or caregivers. This helps gather information about the person’s developmental history, milestones, current challenges, and any coexisting conditions.

dbt therapy

Standardised Assessment Tools

Psychometric assessments and standardised rating scales are used to quantify and measure specific aspects of ASD. These tools may include the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), among others.

cognitive behavioral therapy

Behavioural and Developmental Testing

Assessments of cognitive functioning, language abilities, adaptive behaviours, and motor skills are often included. These tests help to understand the individual’s overall developmental profile and identify areas of strength and challenge.